Summer Internships London

September 30, 2020
London Pictures

There’s without doubt that this bustling town, wealthy with history, culture, and variety will change you.Take the Tube working or a double decker coach. Grab some fish and chips for meal. Encounter all this worldwide center of company, culture, design, and understanding is offering.

Intern in London - An IES Internship develops your expert skills, your ability to communicate across cultures, and
substantive work knowledge to jump-start your job in today’s competitive employment market. You’ll be fully guaranteed an outstanding positioning at a nearby company or organization, in which you’ll benefit at least 32 hours weekly. We will utilize you to definitely assist discover the closest match between your expressed choices and expert targets with what’s available via IES Internships in London. You also will sign up for a required 3- or 6-credit educational internship seminar with other IES interns, in which you’ll learn about many different regional business configurations and options.

Before going - Your internship coordinator will work with you to fine-tune your résumé, perfect your employment cover letter, hone your communication and meeting skills once we prepare you for working in a fresh social environment.

Once you Arrive - the employees at our London Center will welcome you for positioning. This consists of an introduction to the city and program, including housing, commuting, and expert and cultural objectives. The London Center can be your central place for training, help, and satisfying various other interns.

Housing & Meals - Live with other students in double areas in a residence hallway which has shared restrooms and cooking area access. Meals are not supplied.


  • Accounting
  • Arts & galleries
  • Company
  • Education
  • IT
  • Marketing And Advertising
  • Media & Communications
  • Songs
  • Politics
  • Social Organizations
  • Theater
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