KPMG students Careers

November 1, 2016
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Optimize your potential and compete with the brightest thoughts

Uncover the overly busy realm of casework and test your capacity to develop innovative, real-world business solutions through this challenging and interesting learning knowledge. You'll contend with gifted pupils from about the entire world, gaining valuable understanding of exactly what it’s love to use customers. As soon as you advance toward top of one's nationwide instance competitors, and you’ll find yourself on an all-expenses-paid day at the 2016 worldwide last in Dubai, in which you’ll be immersed in magnificent tradition for the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Explore your abilities

In this four-day event, both you and your whole staff is offered a number of complex company challenges to fix. This really is a platform to showcase nimble reasoning and show that you’re ready to begin a fruitful profession. The KPMG Overseas Case competitors exemplifies the way our men and women go above and beyond to address the diverse dilemmas user corporations’ consumers deal with everyday.

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